When to Visit?

The best time to visit Mexico depends on various factors like your interests and the regions you plan to explore. Location and elevation is a big factor as Mexico has one of the widest ranges of climate types and bio-diversity zones of any country in the world. And that is one of the reasons what it makes it so unique.

Country wide weather guides: Climates to Travel - Mexperience - Trip Savvy - Where and When

Weather site/apps: Accuweather - Mexico Gov - Weather Spark - My Forecast

Mexican holidays: Journey Mexico - Mexperience - Wiki

Where is Mexico populated? YouTube

High Season

  • Beach Destinations: November to April is ideal for enjoying the beaches on the Pacific and Caribbean coasts, with sunny days and little rainfall. Specific weather guides below.

    West and southern coast: Dry and sunny winters. Wet and humid summers. The rainy season is approximately June - October. Some consider late October into November as an ideal time to visit as the rains are gone (everything is green) and the winter crowds have not yet arrived. The coastal seasonal snowbird communities tend to arrive in December and then leave by April or May.

    Go Experience Mexico Coastal Guides - Puerto Vallarta

    Cancun, Riviera Maya, and the Yucatan Peninsula: Dry and sunny winters. Hot, wet and humid summers. The rainy season lasts from May - October. Hurricane season is June - November. The beaches have a sargassum grass problem at times. There is often no sea grass from November - January, but this can change.

    Sargassum grass info: A Taste for Travel - Sargassum Monitor - Facebook Red de Monitoreo

    Go Experience Mexico Yucatan Guides - Cancun

    Gulf coast: Have dry winters and wet / hurricane summers. Norte cold winds can produce colder winter days, so the spring is an ideal season to visit before the summer rains.

  • Baja California: Has it’s own unique weather. Northern Coastal Baja is similar to Southern California Mediterranean weather with dry summers and wet winters. Higher elevations see snow in the winter. The Pacific side vs the Gulf side weather is very different thru the seasons. Pacific side is colder than the Gulf side. September is hurricane season for southern Baja. Many find March as an ideal month to travel. Baja weather guides: Discover Baja - Talk Baja

  • Coastal Weather Guides: Acapulco (Southern West Coast) - Campeche (Yucatan Coast) - Cancún - Ensenada (Northern Baja) - Huatulco (Oaxaca Coast) - Zihuatanejo / Ixtapa (West Coast) - La Paz (Southern Baja) - Los Cabos (Tip of Baja) - Mazatlán (West Coast) - Manzanillo (West Coast) - Progreso (Yucatan Coast) - Puerto Escondido (Oaxaca Coast) - Puerto Vallarta (West Coast) - Rocky Point (Puerto Peñasco) (Northern Gulf of California) - San Carlos (Northern West Coast) - Tecolutla (Central Gulf Coast) - Todos Santos (Southern Baja) - Tulum (Riveria Maya) - Veracruz (Gulf Coast)

  • City Destinations: Many of Mexico’s tourist cities are high in elevation and thus colder & dry in the winter. Pleasant during the day, but chillier at night. An extra layer is a must in the winter months. Summer brings the rains and heat. Read city guides below for specific weather.

    Guadalajara - 1,566 m (5,138 ft), Guanajuato 2,050 m (6725 ft), Mexico City - 2,240 meters (7,350 ft), Morelia, Oaxaca - 1,555 m (5,102 ft), Puebla - 2,135 m (7,005 ft), San Cristobal de Las Casas - 2,200 m (7,200 ft), San Miguel de Allende - 1,900 m (6,200 ft), Zacatecas - 2246 m (7369 ft).

  • City Weather Guides: Ciudad Valles - Cuernavaca - Durango - Guadalajara - Guanajuato -Hermosillo - Mérida - Monterrey - Mexico City - Morelia - Oaxaca - Orizaba - Puebla - Queretaro - San Cristobal de Las Casas - San Luis Potosi - San Miguel de Allende - Taxco - Valladolid - Zacatecas

  • Go Experience Mexico City Guides: Mexico City

  • Cultural Festivals & Holidays: Many traditional festivals like Carnival (Mardis Gras), Semana Santa (Holy Week), Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) have large crowds and lodging is more expensive. Semana Santa is when Mexicans from the center of country spends a week down at the coast. This is actually a great time to visit Mexico City and other cities as they are less crowded.

    Even the smallest of towns to the largest cities all have multiple festivals during the year. There are too many to list here, but so worth finding or stumbling upon. Christmas season (Navidad) is celebrated country wide.

    Mexican holidays: Mexperience - Wiki

    FYI, Cinco de Mayo is not a national holiday in Mexico. It’s celebrated in the US and in Puebla with a re-enactment battle & parade.

  • Spring Break: The US and Canadian spring break season is very busy for coastal resort areas. Expect crowds during March and April, with Cancun being a top destination.

  • Outdoor Activities: The dry season a great time for activities such as hiking, snorkeling, and exploring ancient ruins. Baja whale watching season is mid-December to April. Cancun whale shark season is July and August. If you are searching out waterfalls, then November - March are the best months for water flow and blue colors. The waterfalls dry up after this and they are brown and too strong during the rainy season.

  • May field burning / fire season: Many areas (mainland with agriculture present) have alot of smoke from the field burnings, just before the June rainy season. Be aware of this if you have breathing issues. This can combine with many wild fires during this driest part of the year. November has the cleanest air as it’s just after the rainy season. Air Quality map.

Low Season

  • Rainy Season: June to October is considered the rainy season in most of Mexico. Rain usually comes in short bursts, often atr night, leaving plenty of time for activities. Be aware of hurricane seasons. Los Cabos has a September hurricane season. Cancun has a longer June to November hurricane season. Mexperience - Cultures Traveled

  • Lower Rates: You can find better deals on accommodation, tours and flights during this period. Mexicans who live in the populated center of the country visit the coast resorts during this period.

Summer Destinations

  • Northern west coast of Baja has a unique Mediterranean weather pattern similar to Southern California. Winter rains and summer is the dry season. Ensenada weather.

  • Central-Mexico, northern-desert Colonial Cities at higher elevation are great summer city destinations. Rains are brief and intense, so bring an umbrella. Guanajuato weather. Zacatecas weather.

  • Summer is when Mexicans love to visit the coast beach towns and resorts. Expect crowds. Expect high humidity, rain at times and lightning. A/C is a must to sleep at night. Pools and coastal breeze is key.

Shoulder Season

  • Shoulder seasons (late spring and early fall/autumn) is a great time to travel. The weather is often pleasant, the popular tourist areas are less crowded, and tickets/hotels are cheaper.

  • We travel often in late May and have a wonderful time. The coast is very hot now so A/C and a pool is key. Remember to check specific destinations' climates and events to plan your trip accordingly. Low lying cities away the coast would be very hot, such as Merida.

  • Late October and November is one of the best shoulder seasons to travel. The summer rains have ended, everything is green and lush and the winter tourist / snowbird crowds do not arrive till December. Higher temps and humidity are common on the coast and then this drops in December. City weather is usually clear and pleasant.

Drought and Air Quality issues

  • Because of summer seasonal rains (June - October) and then long winter & spring dry periods (November - May), Mexico has drought issues and low AQI (air quality index) at times.

  • This may be an issue for you and respiratory issues, if you are traveling April - June. Wildfires are common and field burning for summer crops occurs too. November - March conditions are better in this regard because of the existing moisture.

  • Before the June rains the country is very dry - North American Drought Watch

  • AQI is an issue in many places. Mexico City is know to have poor air quality. The industrial center of the country also produces poor AQI certain times of the year - Mexico Air Quality Index. Summer rains reduce this and travel after the summer rains is clear for a few months.